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Editor’s Pick
Dive into this selection of articles, where we explore new ideas and ways to improve technically.
Secure by Design
The concept of “Secure by Design” emphasizes that software security responsibilities lie with the producer, not the end user, and should include features like MFA and SSO out of the box. A cybersecurity club project focuses on creating a secure file-sharing application, integrating principles such as strong password policies, secure hashing, CSRF protection, file encryption,…
Agile Thinking
Shaping a Dynamic Engineer Motivations I think about motivations pretty frequently. My motivations are the backbone to how I operate as a person. They shape how I handle technical difficulties, and reassure me when things do not go as initially planned. My purpose is centered around providing value. Helping people out by fixing things that…
Undergraduate’s Guide to Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) in Cybersecurity
What is it? Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) in cybersecurity play an important role in ensuring that a company’s infrastructure meets industry standards. These standards vary depending on the sector. For example, healthcare companies must adhere to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations, while government organizations align with NIST (National Institute of Standards…
A Semester in Cyber
Hi Guys 🙂 My apologies for the hiatus. Life has been moving extremely fast. This year has taught me that with desire, preparation, and a plan, everything will open up. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities coming my way. In terms of my cybersecurity capabilities, this is just the beginning. I have solidified that cybersecurity…
Sometimes Things Won’t Go As Planned {& That’s Okay}
During a conversation with a Security Analyst, something he said really stood out to me – “the most important thing that you have is time.” Time to improve my programming skills. Time to make things. Time to explore the field more and see what I like. Time to fail at some things and be okay…
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome can be personally defined as the feeling of not achieving as highly as one’s peers.”Maybe I’m not doing enough,” is a thought that can result from this. Imposter syndrome can be especially prevalent in the ever evolving tech industry. Being undergraduates (and inherent beginners) can fuel this situation. I have come to realize…
Mr. Law: AP CSA Reflection
Two specific factors make my high school experience important to me: the friendships and the amount of computer science resources available. Throughout my educational journey, one teacher and class stood out as the beginning of my true learning experience—Mr. Law and his AP Computer Science A class at Lane Tech. While most other classes left…
Programming & Learning About Myself
I came across a great resource while looking for CS programs online. CodePath has a repository that goes into detail about relevant information to being successful in a software engineering role. Out of all the the various folders and sub folders, I found myself interested in the one discussing the qualifications of a Senior Software…